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Club Profile


Our club was founded under the sponsorship of Rotary Club of Kurashiki as the 57th Rotary Club in RID2690 and as Additional Clubs for Rotary Club of Kurashiki and Rotary Club of Kurashiki South.

1990, February 5 The inaugural meeting was held.
  February 23 Rotary Club of Kurashiki East was certified by the RI administration [ The president of RI, Hugh M.Archer; the governor, Hiroshi Sato (Kurashiki South); the special representative, Masahiko Akiyama (Kurashiki)].
  June 1 The charter presentation ceremony was held jointly with Rotary Club of Kurashiki Mizushima.
1992, April 21 Rotary Club of Kurashiki East concluded a sister-club agreement with RID 3310, Rotary Club of Singapore Orchard.
1994, May 8 A ceremony was held to mark the 5th anniversary of the foundation.
1999, April 18 A ceremony was held to mark the 10th anniversary of the foundation.
  April 18 Rotary Club of Kurashiki East concluded a sister-club agreement with RID 3480, Rotary Club of Shuangho(Chung Ho West) (Taiwan).
2004, March 14 A ceremony was held to mark the 15th anniversary of the foundation.