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JPresident's Address

President's Address

2010-2011 President Yoshitada Muroyama

 Thank you for visiting the homepage of Rotary Club of Kurashiki East. Our main area is the center of Kurashiki City. This April we held the 20th anniversary celebration mainly at Kurashiki Ivy Square, a symbol of Bikan Area (a scenic area with traditional houses), and had the pleasure of a lot of nearby Rotarians' company at the occasion.

 I would like to take this opportunity to express our thanks again to the participants.

 Our regular meeting is held at Ivy Square from 12:30 to 13:30. We enjoy an excellent lunch, the menu of which is different every time. There are various programs to broaden our knowledge and promote our friendships, such as inviting a speaker with a timely topic to broaden our knowledge.

 In addition, we have regular joint meetings with other clubs and seasonal programs, such as reunions and travels, in which not only the club members but also their family can take part. All the participants always enjoy themselves.

 Rotary Club is a world-wide social service group. It has more than 33,000 clubs. We do community-based service activities and provide psychological and material support to developing countries.

 We have established a sister club relationship with Rotary Club of Shuangho in Taiwan and we are boasting exchanges. Eight people from Sowa (including family members) joined the 20th anniversary and enjoyed the two days with us.

 Our club now consists of 43 people (40 men and 3 women). Some of them contact privately with each other and enjoy the same hobbies on holidays, such as igo and golf.

 If you would like to join our club, please contact us. You will be given detailed information from the person in charge.